Mumonkan - Case 41: Bodhidharma's peace of mind Bodhidharma sat facing the stone wall. The Second Patriarch of Chinese C'han (Zen), Suika, stood long in the thick snow. Finally, he severed his own arm and presented it to Bodhidharma. He said, "Your student cannot pacify his mind. You, the First Patriarch, please, give me peace of mind!" The First Patriarch replied, "Bring that mind, I will calm it down!" The Second Patriarch said, "I search for it everywhere, but I cannot find it!" Bodhidharma replied, "I have already pacified it for you!" Mumon's Comments: That toothless old chap from India proudly travelled ten thousand li over the ocean (to China). This was indeed as if he deliberately raised waves where there was no wave. At last, he got only one disciple, who was maimed by cutting off his own arm. Alas, he was a fool indeed. The First Patriarch from India taught straight forward, A series of all the troubles has initiated from him. The one who disturbed the calm world, Is Boddhidharma, you indeed!